Naturally Better

Harbor Fish and Aquatic Habitat Restoration
NR Innovations assisted the Milwaukee Harbor District Inc. by designing, permitting, and installing over sixty Aqua Shrubs (TM) habitat structures on 165 feet of shoreline. These innovative structures converted barren steel retaining wall shorelines into vibrant habitat for fish and other aquatic life. Northern pike, black crappie, bluegill and several other species have been documented utilizing these habitats within 48 hours of installation.

Inland Lake Fish and Aquatic Habitat Restoration
NR Innovations, working with US Forest Service and Superior Watershed Partnership staff, restored aquatic habitat in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. This work was part of a demonstration project designed to engage private riparian landowners in aquatic habitat restoration. The project involved installing nine habitat structures, including tree drops, shallow water brush bundles, and deep water brush bundles along 1900 feet of developed shoreline. NR Innovations tasks included: project development, grant writing, lake habitat assessment, landowner engagement, regulatory liaison, permitting, bidding, construction monitoring, and reporting.

Wildlife and Forest Management With Funding Assistance
Wildlife habitat and forest management for a 240 acre parcel with a mix of woodland, wetland, and agricultural land. NR Innovations assisted our Client achieve wildlife management goals by creating a Forest Stewardship Plan and securing over $120k in project funding to implement the plan. Habitat improvements include timber harvest, hard and soft mast tree and shrub planting, nesting structures, songbird habitat maintenance, orchard management, forage plantings, and more.
Lakeshore Natural Landscaping

NR Innovations assisted our Client by designing and installing a natural landscape on this 0.75 acre lakeshore property. We converted a turf lawn into a mosaic of native prairie gardens and turf walkways in just three days. The project was incorporated an innovative prairie sod which helped eliminate the need for herbicides and the risk of runoff into the pristine lake.

National Forest Botanical Surveys
NR Innovations staff completed over 7000 acres of botanical surveys for rare and invasive plants in the Medford and Eagle River Districts of the Chequamegon - Nicolet National Forest. Tasks included field surveys, comprehensive vegetative documentation, GIS mapping, and reporting.